Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Travel Cost

Freiburg is an excellent location.
Paris is 3 hours away by TGV.
Colmar is an hour train ride. But u can always stop by Breisach am Rhein to see the majestic Rhein river.
Basel, is also an hour away, while Luzern is 2 hours away.
Except if you want to travel east, like Iva said, the Black Forest is always in the way.
I went to Konstanz and never regret taking the train that crosses the Black Forest. It's so scenic.
Our farewell trip. I had blast travelling with them. Photo from Nicky.
Anyway, travel is rather expensive in Germany.
And the train network is so sophisticated that the bus is forgotten.
I only travel on weekends so my best choice is Baden-Wurttenberg ticket.
If you are travelling alone, the ticket costs 21 euro. add 4 euro for additional person. you can add up to 4 more person.
Best for day trip and group travel.

When I went to Luzern, the girls were already away, so I travel alone.
Had to rush to get my ticket printed out at the counter and pay extra for that.
If you can afford it, get a smartphone or tab ~ that is one precious thing to traveller.
The thing u do when u trael alone. Self camera or ask any stanger who is willing to click the camera for you.

When we travelled, we brought our own food because food is on the expensive side especially in tourist spot.
Most of my travelling were done during Ramadhan and eventhough I have the option to replace it, I opted out of it.
Except when I decided to hike the foot of Pilatus, I went to Migros and paid for ice tea and croissant. ~ 5 euro that saves me after a tedious hike (crazy thing I did. I know.)

All in all, try to not travel alone. It's more expensive. and bring your own food and fruits and drink.

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